Tuesday, February 28, 2006

False Starts

I'm writing a piece for The Nation. I can't say much about it (that would be giving it away), but my hope is that it will be the best thing they've ever read. They'll have to publish it, send a handsome check my way, and invite me to be the newest permanent member of their staff. Before you know it I'll be taking on O'Reilly.

Yeah. Eh-hem.

In reality, I've been dicking around (can I say that?) with the article for days now and I feel like a second grader trying to get the cursive alphabet right. Incompetent, in other words. Which makes me wonder: Do you feel this way? Let's commiserate. Tell me what false starts you're struggling with these days and I'll elaborate on mine. Maybe we can help each other.

R J Woerheide
Editor in Chief

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Getta Loada them Coconuts!

Consider this your first assignment, should you choose to accept it: The more coconuts we get the better. Put yours in our cyber container by telling us something about Perigee you love, hate, or to which you are completely indifferent. (The latter is bound to bore us.)

Please don't attack a particular poem, story, or piece of artwork we've published. That kind of thing just isn't productive. If you want to compliment a particular work from Perigee, that's fine.

Alternately, write 1,000 words about a vacation nightmare in Key West, FL. Have it involve a cigar salesman with a twelve inch beard, happy hour, and a broken guitar string. Then submit it to Perigee so we may consider publishing it.

R J Woerheide
Editor in Chief


Not a dollar, not a dime. Instead just pay attention.

You've most likely found this blog post through our 13th issue entrance: We took some efforts to hide it, that's how special it is, but you've reached it. This bodes well.

Nurture your inquisitive spirit and your eye. Observe; be aware. Perigee is all about awareness and we hope you are too.

Stay informed. Question authority. Never stop reading and—if you have the inclination and patience—writing. Experiment with finding your own voice in this cosmos of uniformity ... even if that voice is conformist. Explore art, in however wide a sense you consider it; we need creation taking place in all angles and in all breadths. The best morals of humanity have always been those involved with expression, with self examination, and with personal, professional, and political creativity. Perigee hopes to be a voice in this process. We hope you make yourself a part of it.

With Thanks,


Some clarification is in order, as the blogger.com community (whose services Perigee employs) discovers Perigee's blog.

This is simply an extension of the arts publication Perigee, which can be viewed at www.perigee-art.com. This is not our primary web site. If you haven't read our publication yet we encourage you to make your way there immediately, without further ado, posthaste, ASAP.

We're about to kick off our fourth year and we don't want to do it without you. Read, submit, subscribe for free ... you get the idea.

The Editors
(aka: Ben, Jensea, John, Robert, Sue)

Official Weblog Established

Happily, the new Perigee weblog has been created. These days it seems that a blog is both expected and required. Since Perigee considers itself at the forefront of Internet literary publishing, this little addition seemed well overdue. Speaking for myself, I hope all of you who visit this blog sign up, post comments and literary news, share your thoughts, comment on Perigee itself, and simply enjoy the conversation. That's what Perigee has always been about, after all: the conversation we call art.

Dare to converse.

R J Woerheide
Editor in Chief