Thursday, March 26, 2009

New Perigee Web Site for 6th Anniversary Issue

The upcoming 6th anniversary issue of Perigee, due out April 15th, will be released in a completely redesigned web site. We've changed things from the ground up and we're very excited about the new look, feel, and functioning of Perigee. The current site has been well loved, and lasted more than four years. We're confident the total redesign will be equally effective in serving our mission.

We are currently seeking individuals who would like to take the new site for a spin prior to its public debut. If you are interested in volunteering to explore a beta version (which will include some of the content to appear in our anniversary issue) please e-mail info[at] and let us know.

The new site will include completely revamped submission, subscription, and donation procedures which are sure to make all of these processes very much easier.

Look for the new web site when our 24th issue is released this April 15th. The issue will include several retrospectives on John Updike by noted writers and new contributing editors to our organization. It's a can't-miss issue.

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Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Now Accepting Submissions to Perigee's 25th Issue

On March 2nd, Perigee began accepting submissions to our 25th issue. We are reading general submissions in poetry, short fiction, and non-fiction (query for book reviews and interviews, please).

Click here to read guidelines and submit through our web site.

Writers are also invited to participate in Perigee's 2009 Fiction Contest, which closes on April 30. This year's guest judge is James Brown, author of The Los Angeles Diaries: A Memoir (HarperCollins), which was chosen for Best Books of the Year 2004 by the San Francisco Chronicle, Publishers Weekly, and The Independent in the UK. His work has appeared in GQ, The New York Times Magazine, and the Los Angeles Times Magazine. Brown has written several novels including Lucky Town and Final Performance.

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Perigee Named Top 50 Literary Magazine

Perigee has been named one of the top 50 literary magazines in the world, sharing space with the Paris Review and other leading publications. We are thrilled and proud, and thankful for all the great writing sent our way over these past six years, and all the loyal readers who continue to make Perigee a hot spot for literature on the web. Click here to read the listing.
