Monday, February 23, 2009

Perigee's Non-Fiction Editor Nominated for Pushcart!

R.A. Rycraft has been nominated for a Pushcart Prize for her story "Komunyakaa Days," which won the Best Short Stories Editor's Prize in the 2008 issue of Best New Writing: Eric Hoffer Award for Books and Prose (Hopewell Publications). Congratulations R.A.!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Founding Editor Welcomes First Child!

Perigee's founding editor, and his wife, welcomed their first child on Valentine's Day at 9:15 pm. She came early--at 33 weeks--but is a good weight (5 lbs 13 oz) and breathing on her own. They are excited and hopeful that, before too long, they'll be able to take her home.

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