The 16th issue of Perigee (our 4th anniversary issue) is chock full of new poetry, fiction, and non-fiction. This special double-sized issue will include the following contributors, along with the winning poems from our popular Poetry Contest, as judged by poet Marvin Bell!
The special commemorative edition of Perigee is laced with new goodies, including a note from the founding editor on Perigee's first four years—and what's to come. The issue will be released Sunday, April 15th.
Jeffrey Alfier, "Breaking the Colts," "Cloud Banks North of Aqua Prieta," "How the Bartender Saves Us," and "Leaving Cipriano Pass"
Katherine Barnes, "Possession"
F. J. Bergmann, "Love in the Ruins" (3rd Place Winner)
Dallas Boggs, "Brother Boney"
Marte Broehm, "With Blue Hook in My Hand"
Curtis Church, "Circus of Life"
Robert Gibbons, "Navigation by Stars," and "The Fullness of Summer"
Gail Gilliland, "Tricks"
Julie Kovacs, "Pierre Eric Prospero Febriello," and "Voices Soaring"
Lawrence Lawson, "It's Up in the Air"
Laura LeHew, "A Grim Reaper," and "The Parts of Father"
Robin Merrill, "What the Older Ladies Say About Me in Church"
Corey Mesler, "The Narcoleptic Therapist" (4th Place Winner)
Micaela Myers, "The Lies I Told You"
JP Rodriguez, "Sparsely Large"
Edward Rubin, "On Being Taught Not to Fly"
Tom Sheehan, "Blue Glacier Beer"
John Sweet, "Blind Soundtrack for a Sleeping Child," and "On Approaching the Wall of Death"
Jeri Theriault, "Gloves" (1st Place Winner)
Larry D Thomas, "Pastelists"
Grégoire Vion, "In the Entrails of a Fish" (2nd Place Winner)
Christian Ward, "Prognosis"
Robert Judge Woerheide, "Greenhouse Effect"
Our thanks to all who submitted work.