Sunday, July 23, 2006

Klingons and a Writing Prompt

Another International Comic Convention has descended upon San Diego, marking one of my favorite times of the year. I have fond memories of attending the convention as a child escaping the sweltering New England summer in exchange for its permanently sublime San Diego counterpart. Add to these memories a childhood of comic book collecting (I still have a pretty respectable collection), and a rather well maintained Star Trek habit which continues to this day and, well, you get the point.

My summer just isn't the same if I don't get to see some Klingons.

This year—as Harry Potter, Star Wars, and various blood-thirsty video games hold the central territory of the collective Comic-Con psyche—I am sad to report I spotted not a single one. Klingon, that is.

Nevertheless, the convention is always worth the ticket price. If only to gawk at the costumes and unmitigated enthusiasm for everything fantastical.

All of which—if you've made it this far—merits some kind of creative response. These people are, most often, the ones who in other settings sit shyly in the corner. These are the ones most often misunderstood, most often ridiculed, most often alienated. Seems like they might make interesting characters?

Whether you include them as characters or not, how about a story involving a Superman costume, a 1982 Volvo, and a road trip. For conflict, how about a body part—unattached to its former body. Send us your grittiest fiction of 500 to 3,500 words. (Throw in a Klingon if you're feeling really ambitious!)

(R Woerheide)


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