Follow Perigee on Twitter
Writers and readers can now follow Perigee on Twitter. Get up-to-the-minute updates on writers, submissions, and new issues.
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I now have many more contacts in the writing world thanks to following some of Perigee's tweeps! Quickly searching other Twitter accounts that have subject- or industry-related followers can get you targeted, appropriate followers (instead of signing up on sites that promise to get you "200 more followers in jut 2 days!").
Now if I can just figure out what a Bloofy is . . .
I've also been trying to get a Poetweet Slam going on Twitter. Sounds crazy, I'm sure, but I have 5 judges in different cities ready. I would post an image using Twit Pic and poetic tweeps would respond in their Twitter account. After a 24-hour period of responses, our judges would evaluate all Poetweets and give scores between 0 and 10 to see who our winner is for that Poetweet Slam. There is any fund for money prizes, yet, but we could see how many people are interested in this unprecedented engagement with poetry and technology. Follow me @BEtheCAUSE for more details . . .
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